Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kahlua Coffee Chocolate Chip Cookies

My sister is taking a stab at being an Arbonne Consultant and tonight is her first night of it. She asked if I would make her some goodies to serve at her little get together, and of course, being the wonderful sister I am, I said yes! So, I made Kahlua Chocolate Chip Cookies, these cookies are soft and delicious! Next go at making them, I would include more Kahlua and more coffee or espresso powder in the mixture because the taste isn't all that distinct. You can basically make your favourite chocolate chip dough but before mixing add in about three table spoons of Kahlua or other coffee liquor and two teaspoons of instant coffee or espresso powder. Depending on what you like, you could always add more or less. There's nothing wrong with tasting the batter! ;)

Kaits :)
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