Monday, December 12, 2011

Hot Chocolate on a Stick

For the Craft Sale that Seleena and I did as a fundraiser for our trip to Africa we made chocolate candies, candy bouquets, peppermint bark, and the best seller, Hot Chocolate on a Stick! These ended up being a gooey disaster, but we wrapped them up to make them look pretty for our craft sale. They still sold really well and we should have had more. 

I was thinking of something that I could make and take to my co-workers during the Christmas season, and I thought of making these again! The second attempt went much better once I learned how to read a recipe the right way! As it turns out we put wayyy too much condensed milk in the first time, that is what made them extra gooey. This time, sticking to only one can of condensed milk, they turned out fabulous! 
 Basically, you heat up a mug filled with milk and you drop these babies in a give it a stir. You will taste the best hot chocolate you have ever had! Rich, smooth, and creamy! If you prefer, you can eat it right off the stick as a delicious piece of fudge and marshmallow!

These turned out to be the perfect winter gift for anyone! Who doesn't like a warm cup of hot chocolate? 

Click for Printable Recipe

Kaits :)
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