Friday, October 28, 2011

Craft Sale!

I have got so many views in the last while, but I haven't posted in what seems like forever. I also haven't done much baking or anything since school started again. It's hard to squeeze that in no matter how much I'd like to!

I have a table booked at the Candy Cane Lane craft sale in Regina for November 19th!  I have lots of great ideas and will be making lots of Christmas treats! I will be sure to take pictures and post them so everyone can see and try to make some holiday treats yourself! I am so excited and I can't wait to get going on this project!

All the money I make will be going towards my Africa trip. I am going to Africa May 12-25th and the money will go towards the volunteering I am doing with building facilities in the community, teaching children English and literacy skills as well as working in conservation of animals like crocodiles, leopards, and cheetahs. 

I cannot wait to get started and keeping everything posted, I feel like I've somewhat neglected this blog in a while, and I would like to keep it going. The holidays are coming up and there are so many things I am planning on making! Stay posted for lots of yummy treats to come! 

Kaits :)
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